I’m constantly finding new blogs, and while I’d love to share them all, these are a few I love and try not to miss. Since a list of links is fun (but not always helpful), I’ve included a little bit about each of them as well.
As Simple As That – I am constantly amazed at Hannah’s spirit. Her writing is breathtaking, her enthusiasm contagious, and her quest to always learn, grow, be makes me want to be a better person. Sometimes I save her posts for when I’m in a bad mood because they always lift me up and give me perspective – even when I don’t expect them to. She’s a dear friend and a powerhouse – hello founder of More Love Letters!
Girl with the Red Hair – It’s possible to consider someone one of your closest friends without ever having met them – and Amber is the reason I know this. (After all, she is my redheaded brain twin). Hers was one of the first blogs I started reading and I’ve never missed a post! She’s a runner, a healthy eater, a passionate young professional, and she can plan a schedule like no one’s business.
Knowing the Difference – Mandy and generous are interchangeable to me. She has the biggest heart, the best laugh, and always inspires me to follow my dreams. She’s turned me onto fiestaware, whoopie pies, and she makes me wish I could make something without following a recipe.
Kyla Roma – Kyla is pretty much my blogging guru. She’s sweet, adorable, talented, and lives her life with such intention I’m blown away at least once a week. She’s a creative soul who co-owns a design company, all while sustaining a relationship with her sweet husband and two adorable pups! It seems like every comment I leave starts with, “ohhh I love this post!”
Lisa’s Yarns – My blogging bff! I’ve been reading Lisa’s blog for years, but I feel like I’ve known her forever. We rock the schedule. We have the same taste in books and music, and we’ve shared everything from texts messages and recipes, to emails when we simply need to vent. Nothing looks better on a woman than confidence, and Lisa wears hers well.
Our Little Apartment – I don’t even remember how I found Ashley’s blog but thank goodness I did! She’s the ultimate relaxed mom. She rolls with the punches, is earth-friendly, and her honesty and vulnerability are incredible.
Wrangling Chaos – Jess is a mom of four which pretty much makes her a badass. Add in that she’s funny, sarcastic, and her kids are not only sweet but hilarious, and that also makes her fabulous. She tells it like it is, and she’s just as fun in real life as she is on her blog.
Walking with Nora – I love this girl something fierce. She’s so genuine. Her writing is lovely, and always paints a vivid picture for me – whether it’s a story about time with her fiance, or a recap of monthly moments she doesn’t want to forget.
Source: http://www.loveeverydaylife.com/p/blog-love.html